Sunday, July 25, 2010

Meeting and greeting

I had the good fortune to visit the 34th District Republicans at their monthly meeting this last week, and the group proved largely made up of gracious and friendly hosts of active intellect.

I spoke, but I got to hear two other candidates speak - both of whom impressed me favorably.

Diane Toledo, running for Dow Constantine's old 8th District seat (Jan Drago is stepping down, having served as an interim Council Member). Toledo wowed us all as a non-partisan candidate and survivor of the bureaucratic wars of King County Government. Her experience inside the system and passion for fiscal responsibility combine with a well-honed sense that the Council and the County Government work for the citizenry to make for a strong presentation.

Her priorities are pretty obvious - in addition to the above, she advocates taking firm steps to remedy cronyism in County Government (in favor of competence, efficiency, and serving the citizenry) and ending an endless series of reaction-driven audits of symptoms - preferring to resolve root causes.

Mack McElroy, the second candidate speaking, is running for 34th District, House of Representatives #2, and makes a strong argument why he should be elected. From what I've seen of the man, I agree he'd make a strong and principled leader in Olympia - a legislator ruled more by facts and logic than whimsy and fanaticism.

McElroy comes across as blunt, straightforward, down to earth, and above all - sensible. He's fiscally conservative and socially liberal - a good fit for West Seattle. Running as an independent, he will help change the conversation in Olympia if elected.

My own speech, less practiced than those of candidates with months already on the campaign trail, seemed well received and I enjoyed answering the groups questions.

Also speaking, a representative of the Rossi Campaign shared his enthusiasm with the group quite articulately. I don't know that Rossi is the ultimate best Senatorial Candidate out there - but he seems the best bet to unseat Sen. Murray and perhaps create a bit of balance in the Senate.

If you don't make it out to these events, you might consider it - it's a great way to meet the candidates face to face, meet others who either might be like-minded or spur you to re-evaluate your assumptions (or you might do the same for them), and at the end of the day - meet some worthwhile folks of whatever political persuasion that care passionately about their community.

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